Public Works
Located at 7656 Capes Street, Siren.
Phone Number: 349-2493
After Hours On-Call Number: 715-222-9184
Jim Jaskolka, Public Works Director
Virgil Maslow, Public Works Crew
Jim Jaskolka oversees and schedules the work of the Public Works Department, reports to the Board on department activities and makes recommendations for budgeting, oversees water and waste water testing and prepares the reports.
The Public Works Department is responsible for operation and maintenance of the wells and water supply system, sanitary sewer system and waste water treatment plant. The Department also takes care of reading water meters, maintenance of storm sewer and drainage ways, snow plowing and street sanding, street repair and maintenance, street sweeping, park maintenance and mowing, maintenance of the Village street lights and maintenance of Village buildings. A member of the department is on call at all times to handle water and sewer system emergencies.
Phone Number: 349-2493
After Hours On-Call Number: 715-222-9184
Jim Jaskolka, Public Works Director
Virgil Maslow, Public Works Crew
Jim Jaskolka oversees and schedules the work of the Public Works Department, reports to the Board on department activities and makes recommendations for budgeting, oversees water and waste water testing and prepares the reports.
The Public Works Department is responsible for operation and maintenance of the wells and water supply system, sanitary sewer system and waste water treatment plant. The Department also takes care of reading water meters, maintenance of storm sewer and drainage ways, snow plowing and street sanding, street repair and maintenance, street sweeping, park maintenance and mowing, maintenance of the Village street lights and maintenance of Village buildings. A member of the department is on call at all times to handle water and sewer system emergencies.